1910 – Dec. 10 – Los Alamitos Sugar Factory Barbecue

Local oldtimers have cited that the Los Alamitos Sugar Factory would kick off its annual campaign — the opening of the factory to take in the just-harvested sugar beet crop — with a big barbecue picnic and celebration.  This would usually occur in mid July to early August, depending on that year’s crop.  But the factory also helped co-host a Christmas-time celebration which, as this recount of the December 1910 barbecue informs us, was co-hosted by the Beet Growers Association (the local area farmers group) in cooperation with the factory.   This article was originally published in the Dec. 31, 1910 issue of the Louisiana Planter and sugar manufacturer.

Sugar Factory Barbecue.

Los Alamitos, Cal.. Dec. 22, 1910. The concensus of opinion among all the beet growers and their families is that the barbecue held here yesterday was not only “par excellence” as regards quality and abundance but that the opportunity to exchange greetings resulting in the promotion of good fellowship was out of the ordinary, nothing happening in the course of the day or evening to mar the occasion. The cuisine, under the auspices of the Beet Growers’ Association, jointly with the Los Alamitos Sugar Faactory, was of a high order and the big crowd of upwards of 500 people ate, and ate again, until their wants were fully satisfied.

General Manager J. Ross Clark, accompanied by his son, Walter M. Clark, manager, were guests of honor. Games and trap shooting were some of the sports indulged in. W. H. William was the lucky winner of four turkeys and J. H. Mills of three out of the fifteen prizes. Several sheep, a goat and a big ox were roasted and served, the feast winding up with tamales pies, ice cream and coffee. Everybody, rich and poor, were fed and to those unable to attend generous portions were sent by friends. The feasting continued until the chilliness of the evening admonished the lingerers that it was time to seek their homes. This was a fitting celebration of the most successful harvest season in the history of the factory.

United States Secretary of Agriculture, James Wilson, says in telling the story of the prosperity of the nation in general, that at no time in the world’s history has the country produced farm products in one year that reached that of 1910. Along with the farmers of the rest of the country the beet growers from the Los Alamitos factory have, in spite of the comparatively dry season, got in line with the successful ones.

There were in attendance representatives of the Farmers Harness, Carriage & Implement Co.. Baker & Hamilton, W. F. Lutz Co., Ventura Implement & Manufacturing Co., and Bernice Manufacturing Co., interesting the farmers in implements, of which Perry & Co., Buena Park, had an up-to-date display.


Source:  LOUISIANA SUGAR CHEMISTS’ ASSOCIATION, & AMERICAN CANE GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. (1888). The Louisiana planter and sugar manufacturer. New Orleans, LouisianaPlanter and Sugar Manufacturer Co.  Vol 16, No. 27, Dec. 31, 1910 issue.  p430.   Digitized by Google, from the Harvard University Library.

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