30 JUL 1959 – Los Al Residents “Fume at Outsiders” For attempt to Re-locate Air Base

30 JULY 1959 — (Enterprise, p.1) Residents fume at “Outsiders” For attempt to Re-locate Air Base.

Local Los Al residents get upset at a committee of Westminster and Garden Grove landowners and developers, who start campaign to “relocate the Los Al Naval Air Station. The committee includes only one “local,” Westminster dairyman Ale Tuinhout, but a number of union leaders representing building trades. Tuinhout sold land to a developer and both indicated they feel the base should be moved, which would allow for more residential development, mainly allowing schools to be constructed in the area. Schools are currently prohibited for being to close to the flight path.
Mrs. A.J. Labourdette, who has lived in Los Alamitos for 35 years, pointed out that most of the rentals in Los Alamitos are occupied by naval personnel and many families have owned homes here for eight or nine years. In civic activities, naval personnel have leaned over backwards to cooperate with the townspeople. Mrs, Labourdette is the secretary of the Chamber of Commerce.

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